Wednesday, 13 November 2013


A relationship is the way in witch to people are connected or the sate of being connected. There are a lot of different relationships like friendships, family, love. Friendships are a lot of fun but sometimes can be hard to keep. Friendships can sometimes lead to other relationships  like boyfriend and girlfriend. You can have that one friend that is like a sister or brother where you do every thing together you hang out all the time and is over all the time.  Family is very important to have because without family you cant really live. If your family isn't there for you, you always have your friends and other family members that can help you. You always have that one specific  family member that you go to for advice or help. Family is very important to me because without them I think I would be lost and confused, they always help me through hard times and comfort me when I'm sad. There are two kinds of love, family love and love between you and your boyfriend or girlfriend that you have been with for a long time or you and your spouse. Love is very passionate and should only be between you and your spouse or you and your  family.    

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